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Jens Brockmann is the new managing director of the Lenggries and Bruckmühl rehabilitation clinics.

Both clinics are in a very challenging situation: The District Office has withdrawn the operating license of the Lenggries rehab clinic. Considerable deficiencies were found at the clinic in Bruckmühl – the press had reported on this.

With a completely revised medical concept and a new management team, Jens Brockmann intends to reposition both clinics. Above all, lost trust should also be regained.

Jens Brockmann is supported by Linda Hammerl, consultant at Oberender AG, as well as the large network that can be accessed at any time.

Jan Hacker, Vorstandsvorsitzender der Oberender AG:
“Mit Jens Brockmann haben beide Reha-Kliniken einen ausgewiesenen Experten als Geschäftsführer, der neben seiner großen Expertise auch viel Erfahrung in der Kommunikation mit Behörden mitbringt. Wir sind der festen Überzeugung, dass mit unserem Team der Neustart von Lenggries und Bruckmühl gelingen wird.”

Oberender AG
Ursula Lauterbach – Marketing & Communication
Elsenheimerstraße 59 | 80687 München

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With our expertise, we do not provide you with pretty colorful pictures, but with actionable strategies that will make your hospital fit for the future.

Ursula Lauterbach

Marketing & Communication