Your partner in clinic management. Discover the beat of the future.

Digital Health in healthcare

The use of digital technologies, web-based applications as well as cloud computing is revolutionizing healthcare. The role of physicians, nurses and, most importantly, patients is being redefined.

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Digitization as part of the success strategy

Many requirements and objectives are mentioned in connection with digitization: it is about speed, increased efficiency, and resource-saving work and action. However, data- and fail-safe solutions are important. The classic IT structures with a lot of hardware on site are no longer up to date. With a shared responsibility approach, the IT department once again becomes an attractive workplace for employees as part of a cloud strategy. But this requires some crucial prerequisites. Because even if the KHZG provides financial support to the hospitals, holistic digitization goes much further. The implementation of the KHZG criteria also requires a new way of thinking about the processes that are really necessary in inpatient treatment and their mapping with the help of suitable digital tools.

What is an enterprise architect?

In conventional situations, users are provided with the software they need, often according to third parties, to perform their tasks. In most cases, the user then has to adapt process-wise to the specifications that the software provides. The enterprise architect turns the tables. Equipped with broad knowledge of the possibilities of the IT landscape, he defines the optimal use and design of digital tools and infrastructures for and with the user from his perspective.

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Digitization in three pillars

A lot of industry standards exist that form the basis for creating and operating technologies. Extensive research is needed to create these concepts. Among other things, we use the data from our Oberender Research Institute for this purpose. Based on this data and the customer’s needs, we develop a suitable concept.

Most clinics and physicians in private practice need a DVO, i.e. a service provider on site. This is why telematics infrastructure is usually discussed in this context. Support services and the basic cooperation with partners and associated interfaces as well as responsibilities are part of our consulting services. So is cloud computing. In the last instance, it’s about administrator services

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Typical projects around digitalization in hospital and clinic

Cloud computing for hospital and clinic

The implementation of a cloud in hospitals, not least in connection with the measures under the KHZG, has not yet gained widespread acceptance. Even though cloud solutions have become indispensable in private life, most hospitals still predominantly rely on their own data centers.

Cloud solutions that we develop for our customers are an interplay of hardware, services and associated services with the following characteristics:

  • Accessible via broadband access
  • Independently configurable – the data center service provider does not build the infrastructure
  • Pay-per-use: You pay for what you use.
  • Resource sharing: what you don’t use, a third party can.
  • Rapid elasticity: as usage levels change, operating parameters adjust, automatically and quickly.


Implementing the cloud concept provides answers to these pressing questions:

  • Cost-effectiveness of the hospital IT landscape
  • Increasing challenges with regard to information and operational security as well as other regulatory requirements
  • Attractive workplace for the scarce resource of IT employees
  • Secure use of a cloud under data protection aspects


We analyze the status of the existing IT landscape, work with you to develop the path to the cloud, provide a customized infrastructure and support the migration process. Of course, security and data protection are always at the top of the agenda.

Digital business strategy

In the course of digitization, all companies – including those in the healthcare sector – need long-term digital business strategies to secure their future in the long term. Developing these strategies and integrating them into “traditional” corporate development is a major challenge for most hospitals.

With our team of digital health and medical experts, we support hospitals, rehabilitation facilities and other healthcare companies in facing this task. Together with our client, we develop individual business strategies that prepare them for the challenges.

At the end of such a process, there is an understanding of structures to be adapted, personnel requirements and possible modifications in the infrastructure of a facility and its service portfolio. The goal is a clear roadmap, away from the watering can principle and partial solutions.

Digital Health Workshops

Before a company digitizes, there are very specific questions:

  • What does digitization mean for us?
  • What is in store for me and my profession?
  • Which services can be substituted by digital applications?
  • What opportunities are there for me?


Oberender offers workshops to hospitals, rehabilitation facilities, MVZs, carrier representatives to sensitize the facilities and professional groups to digitalization in healthcare and to answer these questions. With our expertise from many management mandates and consulting projects, but also through close cooperation with start-ups, we are the ideal sparring partner for you

Investor consulting

Oberender has been growing above average and faster than the market in the field of mergers & acquisitions for years. We offer the experience and competencies we have gained to national and international investors who want to invest in start-ups.

We develop potential analyses, identify market potentials nationally as well as internationally and help during the due diligence process to look at the young companies and to evaluate them before a possible entry.

Oberender’s fundamental orientation helps here: experts from the healthcare market who know the requirements for successful service delivery form the core of our teams.

Start-up consulting

The commercial and strategic consulting of start-ups to build and establish sustainable and market-driven corporate structures is part of Oberender’s fixed range of services. With the project structures, we address the high degree of flexibility of the start-ups, as well as with the project budget.

Together with the founders, we work out the right questions and answers to achieve lasting success in the market. This includes, in particular, numerous analyses and market research, which we map via the Oberender Research Institute.

Key project steps and milestones in digital health

In our collaboration, the goal is not quick “quick wins”, but a long-term strategic realignment of your hospital. Nevertheless, ideas for further optimization often arise during the analysis and consideration of a hospital, which we are happy to examine in more detail in parallel. An example of this could be a targeted training requirement.

In digitization projects, our project methodology follows your requirements. Fixed milestones, such as supervisory board meetings or the specific request for an expert opinion, give us the time frame. In order to develop projects based on the clinic-specific (digitization) strategy rather than using the watering-can principle, the following phases have evolved from experience:

In order to go down the path to the cloud, for example, an evaluation is first necessary. In about 10 person days, we take a detailed look at the IT landscape. This is done in interviews, on-site inspections and with the help of internal benchmarks.

The next step is to define a detailed migration strategy. Here, we ensure that it can be implemented in practice and that it conforms to the general strategic plans for the company. Internal and external resources are taken into account.

Finally, the infrastructure is designed and, if necessary, launched with the support of partners within three months. It should take another 8 to 12 weeks until all employees are working in the cloud, depending on whether systems are to be changed or applications are to be exchanged.

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Competences for your success

Meeting the demands of professional hospital management requires important core competencies and deep insights into the market as a whole as well as into individual departments. Since Oberender AG is entrusted with the management of hospitals throughout Germany, we know the implementation probabilities and know exactly which concepts not only sound good on paper but are actually feasible. Further experts, our own databases and a deep knowledge of the structures in the hospital market are of course part of our cooperation.

Experienced teams of experts

Our team is interdisciplinary and interprofessional. The individual experts have many years of strategic as well as operational experience.

Broad data base

The Oberender Research Institute collects, analyzes and validates data from our projects and mandates. This results in studies on individual issues.

Linked Units

Our teams of experts work closely together to incorporate specific know-how into the project. Our M&A expertise is often included, for example.

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Talk to the experts.

With our expertise, we won’t give you pretty pictures, but strategies that can be implemented to make your hospital fit for the future.

Rolf Grube


+49 89 82075160