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The Oberender Research Institute focuses on the market situation in the entire healthcare sector.
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The management of hospitals and clinics faces many challenges and must remain capable of acting. For this, the view from the outside gives an important perspective and new food for thought.
The gap between rising costs and falling revenues has never been so high since the introduction of DRGs. At the same time, investment backlogs, changes in legislation and staff shortages are adding fuel to the fire and significantly exacerbating the situation. In this constellation, only the hospital that actively manages and positions the facility for the future will survive.
The following steps are necessary to ensure that individual issues, such as the KHZG, do not cause a hospital to totter: First, clarity is needed about the current fields of action. Benchmarks and indications of future market developments provide important insights. Next, a concept is needed, including a structured roadmap with milestones. The key to implementation then lies in close cooperation between different experts. This is what we at Oberender AG stand for. We want to ensure the provision of care, i.e. good medicine for patients.
In this dynamic environment, in which the medical care chains and also larger practices find themselves, concrete objectives and a clear roadmap are needed. We are happy to be at your side as a sparring and implementation partner.”
Damit einzelne Themen, wie etwa das KHZG ein Haus nicht zum Wackeln bringen, sind folgende Schritte notwendig: Zunächst braucht es Klarheit über die aktuellen Handlungsfelder. Dabei geben Benchmarks und Hinweise auf künftige Marktentwicklungen wichtige Erkenntnisse. Als nächstes braucht es ein Konzept inklusive eines strukturierten Fahrplans mit Meilensteinen. Der Schlüssel zur Umsetzung liegt dann in der engen Zusammenarbeit unterschiedlicher Expertinnen und Experten. Dafür stehen wir als Oberender AG. Wir wollen die Versorgung, also eine gute Medizin für die Patientinnen und Patienten sicherstellen.
In diesem dynamischen Umfeld, in dem sich die Medizinischen Versorgungsketten und auch größere Praxen befinden, braucht es konkrete Zielstellungen und einen klaren Fahrplan. Gerne sind wir als Sparrings- und Umsetzungspartner an Ihrer Seite.
Our long-standing management mandates are just one proof of our strategic competence. We not only manage the clinics entrusted to us, but also develop the various clinic areas together with our operating units. The implementation of medical and location concepts is also an important competence. Thanks to our own Research Institute, we are able to consult valuable studies and benchmarks. This provides a valuable basis for decision-making by the relevant bodies, for example the Supervisory Board.
Our team is made up of experts with a wealth of experience and expertise in the healthcare sector. Former hospital managers, nursing staff or medical specialists – our interdisciplinary know-how enables us to find ways and measures already in the conception phase that have an above-average probability of implementation in the end. Our focus is on human resources management, health economics, financing and commercial controlling, medical controlling and process management. But our expertise also includes topics such as digitization and the holistic restructuring of hospitals.
Als Taktgeber setzen wir die entscheidenden Impulse, um Gesundheitsorganisationen nach vorne zu bringen. Unsere Kompetenz-Units unterstützen unsere Kunden mit strategisch geprägten Projekten und sind Gestalter, wenn es an die Umsetzung geht.
We develop strategic analyzes for our customers in order to develop a future strategy that is economically sustainable and medically optimized.
With our wide range of expertise, we support a wide range of players in the healthcare sector. It is our aim not only to react to general conditions, but also to actively shape them.
Actively design your transactions in the healthcare, medtech or biotech sectors with our M&A competence team.
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