The processes involved in medicine require a precise sense of proportion. For us, process management means: analyzing processes precisely, designing them in a structured manner and implementing them consistently.
The regulatory burden is increasing due to the requirements of the G-BA, staff shortages are pressing and digitization issues, such as the KHZG, make new structures and processes necessary. The primary concern here is always to provide good medical care.
New concepts, such as the self-organized ward, are emerging in order to increase employer attractiveness on the one hand and to be able to act faster and more flexibly in the interests of patients on the other. Because processes from 20 years ago with the speed of today are not suitable for everyday use and urgently need a general overhaul. The analysis and optimization of medical and nursing processes is therefore an essential component of all reorganization and stabilization measures in the hospital.
The G-BA guidelines represent quality standards for work on patients. In order to meet these standards, hospital operators are forced to increase their documentation efforts to ensure traceability. In times of shortage of qualified staff, however, this makes the work on patients more and more difficult. This makes it all the more essential to have intelligent “white processes” that enable the medical and nursing teams to have sufficient time for the patients on the one hand and to map all documentation requirements on the other.
The reorganization effort has grown steadily in recent years. The high economic pressure, key figures such as the length of stay, but also conflicts within the team, make it necessary to take a look at areas such as AEMP, OR and ZNA. In doing so, the entire process organization is considered.
Our team of former nursing staff and areas such as OR management has a high level of expertise. Therefore, we put special focus on the interfaces between the individual areas, interprofessional collaboration, and the establishment of new standards and documentation that have not yet been sufficiently or fully in place.
Unser Team aus ehemaligen Pflegekräften und Bereichen wie dem OP-Management hat eine hohe Fachexpertise. Daher legen wir besonderen Fokus auf die Schnittstellen zwischen den einzelnen Bereichen, die interprofessionelle Zusammenarbeit und den Aufbau neuer Standards und Dokumentationen, die bisher noch nicht ausreichend oder vollumfänglich vorhanden sind.
To ensure the availability of surgical instruments and the necessary equipment for the OR, the interface to the AEMP must function accordingly well. Close cooperation with medical technology and materials management also plays a role in the projects time and again.
We are often partners in the reorganization of the AEMP, in quality assurance and in questions of liability law. In addition, we provide support in process organization, repair management and the establishment of an IT system in the AEMP.
We always keep an eye on the implementation possibilities – this is what Oberender stands for: no fantasies, but realistic recommendations, which we help you to implement if you wish.
As hubs with interfaces to almost all other areas of the hospital (such as OR, ZNA, diagnostics, general wards), intensive care units are occupied with enormous potential as well as challenges. Great demands on staff, patient and structure of the area meet evolved structures in a dynamic environment. A structured analysis of the processes, a preparation of relevant key figures and a process design that enables adjustments to constantly changing requirements are key factors for success here.
As a fundamental component of a hospital, the operating room should be designed efficiently and economically. Our expertise in the OR covers numerous topics as well as all interfaces. Our portfolio includes the reorganization of the OR, the collection and optimization of reporting and key figures as well as quality management and support around legal regulations.
Do you have questions about optimizing your material costs, emergency management or do you need an interim solution for your OR management? Contact us.
To complement our portfolio, we offer the OR Live Tool as an innovative management tool for your OR area.
The conscious patient experience, a significant part of the value creation and the largest personnel expenditure take place significantly in the inpatient units. It is one of the central tasks of management to present and organize the processes with the most diverse specialties or interdisciplinary units around patient, staff and medicine. For example, with the optimization of discharge times, visit times and ensuring the maximum length of stay – all this accompanied by professional and appropriate documentation.
Market and competitive analyses
Statements on existing concepts and planning calculations
Analyses and statements on the regulatory framework of the health care system, developments at cost units, changes in the DRG system, etc.
In order to make the elective admission process future-proof for patients, employees and clinics, we would be pleased to accompany you in the implementation of the project to establish a Central Occupancy Management and a Central Patient Admission:
As-is analysis by means of process observation, interviews and evaluation of key figures
Creation of a sustainable target concept including joint development of organizational manuals
Implementation of the target concept and implementation support
The central emergency room is the gateway for your patients. Efforts to achieve the best possible structured and well-functioning emergency room therefore make sense in terms of high patient and employee satisfaction and are also necessary from an economic point of view following the entry into force of the G-BA resolution on staged emergency care. Questions, in which we support you, are for example:
Support in the implementation of the G-BA resolution
Introduction of triaging in the central emergency room
Selection and implementation of suitable emergency room software
Introduction of a common counter
Optimization and extension of digital structures to internal interfaces (e.g. radiology)
Adjustment of capacities to the performance pattern
Establishment of an indicator-based ZNA management system
Optimization of documentation, billing and MDK management
Support for changes in the organizational structure
Beyond our other areas of expertise, we are involved in many other projects in the hospital through years of practical experience. Here, too, our process management team will be happy to support you:
Laboratory organization
Establishment of digital processes (PDMS, dashboard, training and quick information platforms)
Process organization
Change management
Working time and downtime management
Interface optimization
Day clinic / outpatient surgery
Support for certifications
Patient logistics
Food supply
As-is analysis by means of process observation, interviews and evaluation of key figures
Creation of a sustainable target concept including joint development of organizational manuals
Implementation of the target concept and implementation support
In our cooperation, the goal is not quick “quick wins”, but a long-term strategic realignment of your hospital. Nevertheless, during the analysis and observation of a hospital, ideas for further optimization often arise, which we are happy to examine more closely in parallel. An example of this could be a targeted need in personnel acquisition.
In process management, our project methodology follows your requirements. In a so-called quick check, we obtain initial insights into your reorganization needs within a few project days. With a pragmatic approach, we ensure transparency and quick results. To achieve this, we do not sit around a desk, but provide on-site support, for example directly at the operating table. On average, we work together for about 6 months, whereby the exact period always depends on the individual task.
In the joint kick-off, we concretize the objective and clarify the approach to the project. You provide us with the most important key figures from your company so that we can perform a data analysis. This data, such as the market share for certain service areas, is then coordinated with the service providers.
In workshops and individual interviews with managers from the medical, nursing and therapeutic departments, we clarify wishes and development opportunities. Interactively, we discuss operational obstacles in the individual departments. In doing so, it is important to our experts to turn those affected into participants. We are happy to use methods from systemic coaching for this purpose.
We structure and prioritize optimization proposals according to areas of action. With a great deal of practical experience, we accompany the implementation of the measures presented directly on site at the customer.
Meeting the demands of professional hospital management requires important core competencies and deep insights into the market as a whole as well as into individual departments. Since Oberender AG is entrusted with the management of hospitals throughout Germany, we know the implementation probabilities and know exactly which concepts not only sound good on paper but are actually feasible. Further experts, our own databases and a deep knowledge of the structures in the hospital market are of course part of our cooperation.
Through our management mandates, we have a deep insight into hospital structures and work closely with the respective local politics.
The Oberender Research Institute collects, analyzes and validates data from our projects and mandates. This results in studies on individual issues.
Our teams of experts work closely together to incorporate specific know-how into the project. Our digital unit, for example, is often involved.
With our expertise, we won’t give you pretty pictures, but strategies that can be implemented to make your hospital fit for the future.
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