In order to optimally control a healthcare organization, the right key figures are the be-all and end-all. Commercial controlling and the area of finance therefore require special attention.
Political and social influences are currently having an enormous impact on a hospital’s annual results. Rising costs from medical requirements to personnel and energy meet investment backlogs and growing demands from the legislator. However, as revenues have not grown in recent years, hospital management is now faced with the challenge of working economically in the future while at the same time meeting these demands.
Rarely do healthcare organizations think about how these three areas differ from each other and where they have crucial interfaces. This holistic view helps to close gaps in reporting and to identify new starting points for optimization more quickly and easily. It also saves valuable resources in your teams if all three departments can access the same key figures. The basis for this is formed by uniform software and accounting systems as well as regular jours fixes between the team managers.
Re-structuring in the area of controlling and finances is often only undertaken when insolvency is already imminent. Forward-looking liquidity and investment planning is the basis for successful hospital management. These evaluations and plans are also very valuable for internal and external stakeholders such as the supervisory board or district administrators. They provide up-to-the-minute certainty about costs and revenues and thus the development of earnings. In order to carry out these business analyses and to create a new basis, we are able with the team of Oberender AG to fill a gap in your company partially, i.e. for a certain period of time. In doing so, we are available both comprehensively, but also only for individual project planning, according to the motto: “Everything may, nothing must.”
Successful hospital management benefits from intra-year reporting. This includes a daily dashboard of key performance and investment metrics, as well as monthly and quarterly jours-fixes. Incomplete evaluations without a current reference mean making decisions in the dark. Regular target/actual comparisons create transparency and form the basis for well-founded management decisions.
Some of a hospital’s expenses come in on a very regular basis, i.e., monthly or quarterly. However, annual payments and one-off effects must also be taken into account in continuous liquidity planning, for example, in order to be able to create reserves. Looking at the last one to three fiscal years is helpful in identifying seasonal developments or dependencies. Based on this, we develop a steady and continuous liquidity planning that provides realistic security without any nasty surprises.
Not all hospitals in Germany already work with a suitable finance or HIS system. And if they do, then the possibilities of the system are not always used optimally. We provide support in the selection of a suitable financial system, create a sensible service description including a criteria catalog, and ensure that you find the right system or the right partner in a corresponding tender. We are also at your side during the implementation phase and support the migration.
Introducing new systems or changing processes always means adjusting the workflows of the affected employees. To ensure that the innovations are optimally understood and internalized, we train your team and provide close support on a day-to-day basis. This not only results in fewer difficulties in terms of content, but also less frustration among employees. Our training concepts ensure a smooth workflow and a high level of satisfaction in your team.
In our collaboration, the goal is not quick “quick wins”, but a long-term strategic realignment of your hospital. Nevertheless, when analyzing and observing a hospital, ideas for further optimization often arise, which we are happy to examine more closely in parallel. An example of this could be a targeted need in personnel acquisition.
In process management, our project methodology follows your requirements. We do not focus on colorful pictures, but on practical and feasible concepts. With a pragmatic approach, we ensure transparency and quick results. To achieve this, we do not sit around a desk, but provide on-site support, for example directly in the jours-fixes with your departments.
The first step is the creation of an analysis profile within a few days by one or two experts from our team. The basic problem is discussed and discussed back after the analysis. In doing so, we act not only professionally competent, but also human and individual.
Once the necessary fields of action have been revealed, we are happy to continue to support you in the day-to-day implementation of the measures. In this way, obstacles can be removed right from the start and the team can be involved accordingly. We define the scope of the support together. The support can be holistic or only selective.
Meeting the demands of professional hospital management requires important core competencies and deep insights into the market as a whole as well as into individual departments. Since Oberender AG is entrusted with the management of hospitals throughout Germany, we know the implementation probabilities and know exactly which concepts not only sound good on paper but are actually feasible. Further experts, our own databases and a deep knowledge of the structures in the hospital market are of course part of our cooperation.
Our team is interdisciplinary and interprofessional. The individual experts have many years of strategic as well as operational experience.
The Oberender Research Institute collects, analyzes and validates data from our projects and mandates. This results in studies on individual issues.
Our teams of experts work closely together to incorporate specific know-how into the project. Our human resources unit, for example, is often involved.
With our expertise, we won’t give you pretty pictures, but strategies that can be implemented to make your hospital fit for the future.
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