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New Chairwoman of the Supervisory Board of Oberender AG

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Graduate economist Irmtraut Gürkan takes over from Prof. Dr. h. c.
Herbert Rebscher, who passed away on March 23, 2024, as Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Oberender AG.

Irmtraut Gürkan will hold this position in addition to her chairmanship of the Advisory Board of Oberender AG. Ms. Gürkan has been Chairwoman of the Advisory Board since 2015.

The economics graduate initially worked at AOK Frankfurt. In 1979, she moved to the University Hospital Frankfurt, where she was appointed Administrative Director in 1990 and Commercial Director on January 1, 2001. From 2003 to 2019, Irmtraut Gürkan was Commercial Director and Deputy Chairwoman of the Management Board of Heidelberg University Hospital. In this role, she was twice named Manager of the Year in the healthcare industry.

Her social commitment and honorary posts include membership of the University Council of RWTH Aachen University, the Board of Trustees of the German Organ Transplant Foundation, the Board of the Baden-Württemberg Hospital Association, the Supervisory Board of the DRK Blood Donation Service Baden-Württemberg/Hesse and the position of Chairwoman of the DIHK Committee for Healthcare Management. She was a member of the Medical Committee of the German Science Council and the Medical Committee of the Austrian Science Council. She is currently a member of the government commission for modern and needs-based hospital care of the Federal Ministry of Health.

In addition to chairing the Supervisory Board and Advisory Board of Oberender AG, Ms. Gürkan is also Deputy Chairwoman of the Supervisory Board of Charité -Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Deputy Chairwoman of the Foundation Committee of Universitätsmedizin Göttingen, a member of the Foundation Board of the University of Göttingen and Chairwoman of the Board of Trustees of Alice-Hospital Darmstadt.

It is a great honor and pleasure that we were able to appoint Ms. Gürkan as Chairwoman of the Supervisory Board at our Board meeting on May 14, 2024. With our long-standing Advisory Board Chairwoman, we have been able to recruit a top expert in the healthcare sector and a personality who has accompanied us – Oberender AG – for many years, also for the Supervisory Board.“, Jan Hacker, Chairman of the Management Board of Oberender AG.

I am delighted – even if the occasion is a sad one – to be taking over as Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Oberender AG. In this responsible role, my top priority is to continue to support Oberender AG in positively influencing and developing the healthcare system – in the spirit of Prof. Dr. h. c. Herbert Rebscher and the founder of Oberender AG, Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Peter Oberender.” Irmtraut Gürkan.

Further information on our Supervisory Board and Advisory Board can be found here.

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